Рефераты. Оценочный компонент значения субстантивных метафор

В разговорной речи для выражения положительной эмоциональной реакции субъекта оценки наряду с оценочными существительными и прилагательными, ласкательными словами и т.п. широко используются пейоративные метафоры.

· She covered my face with kisses… You beautiful brute, she said. (4,28). (beautiful brute - «прекрасное чудовище»).

· She was really a good-natured old haversack. (42,67). (good-natured old haversack - «добродушная старая кошёлка»).

· Vesey looked around when Duke waved and said happily, “Hi, you old goat!” - grabbed his ear, pulled him down and whispered. (20,376). (goat - «козёл», «дурень»).

· It might be their last time together. Already he had half decided hat it had to be. He would free himself from this sweet enslavement. (25,118). (sweet enslavement - «сладостное рабство»).

· No, Bill, I shall not parachute into Wembley Stadium holding the book in one hand and a microphone in the other. Nor shall I compete with the station announcer by bawling my verses at the Waterloo commuters. The poor devils are only trying to catch their trains. (25,12). (poor devil - «бедняга»).

· But he's left the evidence. It's all there, all laid out for us. Neat little devil, wasn't he? (25,165). (neat little devil - «аккуратный дьяволенок»).

Энантиосемия в виде пейорации мелиоративов также встречается в речи.

· “A little bird”, he said archly. (29,176). (little bird - «мелкая сошка»).

· Poor lamb … he's such a hell of a gentleman he doesn't know what to do about it. (29,93). (hell of a gentleman - «чёртов дженльмен»).

· “I just want to thank you for being such a goddamn prince, that's all,” I said it in this very sincere voice. (33,83). (goddamn prince - «чёртов принц»).

В устной речи модификация оценочного знака достигается особой интонацией - интонацией восхищения или интонацией сарказма (12,238). Метафорическая энантиосемия широко представлена в коллоквиальной сфере. В условиях непринужденного неофициального общения практически любое слово языка может при соответствующем употреблении стать энантиосемичным - приобрести противоположную оценку.

2.3. Основные структурные типы субстантивной метафоры.

С.М. Мезенин выделяет 3 структурных типа субстантивной метафоры: метафора-предложение, метафора-словосочетание и обособленная метафора (метафора-обращение).


В метафорах-предложениях метафоризирующую функцию выполняют все составляющие высказывания, что делает нереальной всю ситуацию в целом.

Sмет. - Vмет. - Oмет. или (S - V - O)мет.

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1. Stand still, man. You aren't a jumping bean. (44,205).

2. Her reputation was a prison that she had built round herself. (29,185).

3. The idea is blowing through this state like a storm wind. (24,425).

4. She had acquired reputation of a perfectly virtuous woman, whom the tongue of scandal couldn't touch. (29,185).

5. - You didn't try to find out what was wrong with the car?

- There was no time to fuss about under the bonnet. (25,288).

6. - I still feel at home here…

- …It's a stony soil in which to put down roots. (25,408). - «Я всё равно чувствую себя здесь как дома.» … «Но здесь каменистая почва, чтобы пускать корни.»

Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).

1. A madman! Got a bee in his bonnet. (9,204).


Метафора-словосочетание объединяет как разнофункциональные (глагол и существительное, прилагательное и существительное), так и однофункциональные единицы (приложения, квазитождества, именные атрибутивные группы), где оба компонента выражены именами существительными. На основании выполняемой функции при рассмотрении сочетаемости сказуемого выделяются несколько типов:

1. Субъектная метафора Sмет. - V - (O):

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1.That pill is coming to stay here. (18,93).

2. Anthony Martson, a young bull with no nerves and precious little brain. (9,210).

3. There was a surge of sound and the cat's-eyes momentarily gleamed before, in a rush of wind, the car passed. (25,6). - Она услышала шум, сверкнули фары, мимо промчалась машина.

4. This time the door was open and a swathe of sunlight lay across the red-tiled floor. (25,22).

5. He had supposed … that the faзade she presented to the power station of dedicated, humorless efficiency had been carefully constructed to conceal … more complex personality. (25,47).

6. … every spring a bright ribbon of daffodils strained and tossed in the March wind. (25,55).

7. She was … staring with him as the pool of light from torch shone down on that grotesque and mutilated face. (25,108).

8. And then, as the flaming ball rose from the sea, the gears of time slipped, went into reverse. (25,112). - Как только огненный шар поднялся из-за моря, колесо времени тронулось и закрутилось в обратную сторону.

9. The small bush of hair had been pushed under the upper lip, exposing the teeth, and giving the impression of a snarling rabbit. (25,147).

10. The pool of light from his torch shone on the … carpet of pine needles dusted with sand… (25,150).

11. With each gust the tongues of flame roared and hissed… (25,254).

12. She was heavily made up. Two moons of bright rouge adorned each cheek. (25,220).

Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).

1. “You know my door is always open.” “Open?” David laughed sarcastically. “If Christ himself came into this studio, those three harpies wouldn't let him in to see you!” (6,286).

2. All I mean is that it's conceivable - just barely - that some nut could have done this job to the girl with an axe and a saw. (3,102).

3. You fool, Roger, d'you think Cleopatra would have liked what that silly old donkey said of her? (29,188).

4. It appears that the young rip has been taking Julia to night clubs when she ought to have been in bed and asleep. (29,176).

5. … sometimes it seemed that every crack-brain in north-east Norfolk read the PANUP newsletter but that no one else did. (25,35). - … иногда казалось, что листовки общества, выступающего против атомных станций, читали только помешанные на этом, и больше никто.

6. “We're trying to win over the locals, not antagonize them. Let it go before someone starts a fund to pay for his defense. One martyr on Larksoken headland is enough.” (25,50).

7. Of all murders serial killings were the most frustrating, the most difficult and the chanciest to solve, the investigation carried on under the strain of vociferous public demand that the terrifying unknown devil be caught and exorcized for ever. (25,62).

8. But the twins began quarrelling and she had to hurry upstairs to tell them it wouldn't be long now, that they mustn't come out until the witch had gone. (25,135). - Но близнецы начали ссориться и ей пришлось бежать наверх сказать, что им недолго осталось сидеть в комнате, что эта ведьма скоро уйдет.

9. The bastards had nearly got him in the end, but he had lived life on his own terms… (25,139).

10. There's a hell of a lot we don't know, but at least we know that. (25,163).

11. A clutch of chief constables would have been less formidable. (25,196). - Тиски начальников полиции не так страшны.

2. Объектная метафора (S) - V - Oмет (объект может быть как прямым, так и косвенным):

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1. You hunt the fox here. (9,134). - Вы выслеживаете здесь лису.

2. She… concluded to cling her soft little claws to Carrie. (13,405).

3. His conduct after that is the conduct of a hunted animal. (9,148).

4. Well, I'll tell you what I said to the little bird. (29,176).

5. … sky already flushed with the first gold of dawn… (25,111).

6. … a different, more insidious anxiety took over and she felt the first prickings of fear. (25,5.)

7. The door was already closing when he heard running footsteps, a cheerful shout and Manny Cummings leapt in, just avoiding the bite of steal. (25,9).

8. Here a right turn took him off the coastal road on to what was little more than a smoothly macadamed track bordered by water-filled ditches and fringed by a golden haze of reeds, their lumbered heads straining in the wind. (25,17).

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