Рефераты. Basic English

6. Language work:

1) Natasha Morozova is having an interview. This is what she is saying about herself. Read the information and say about her using reported speech:

Model: She said that…

1. I live in this city.

2. I came here 3 years ago.

3. I graduated from university 5 years ago.

4. I have a degree in economics.

5. I like to work with people.

6. I'm going to change my present job, because it is not interesting.

7. I don't like when other people tell me what to do.

8. I want more responsibility.

9. I am interested in working with a good team and reliable people.

10. I will consider your offer and let you know about my decision.

2) Report the requests and commands using He asked me… or He told me…

1. `Post this letter immediately.'

2. `Send them the fax as soon as possible.'

3. `Please don't disturb me.'

4. `Please give me that English-Russian dictionary.'

5. `Don't go on the grass.'

6. `Don't prompt her.'

7. `Don't interfere with my work, please.'

8. `Please, do your own business.'

9. `Entertain the guests, please.'

10. `Don't make a mess of the job.'

Lesson 13

1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian:

The Computer as a Communication Tool

Communicating by computer is almost as easy as punching the keys on a keyboard. Information is sent electronically from one computer-microcomputer, minicomputer, or mainframe-to another, either via telephone lines or through special cables and wires. What kinds of information can be sent? You name it: magazine articles, airline reservations, bank transactions, statistics, news reports, job listings, games, movie reviews, business correspondence, football scores, computer programs, personal messages, stock prices, medical records, graphic images, weather reports.

Advantages of computer communication:

Computer communication is playing an increasingly important role not only in offices but also in schools, hospitals, libraries, and homes. People are realizing that sending and receiving information electronically offers several advantages:

1. Fast, accurate, and direct exchange of information. Sending and receiving data electronically takes only a fraction of the time needed to send it by mail or messenger. And since the information goes directly to the receiver, the sender doesn't have to worry about lost packages or incorrectly addressed envelopes.

2. Rapid information processing. Computers can sort or search through huge amounts of information in a flash. Suppose you were a lawyer who needed a history of all court cases involving the theft of government secrets. How could you get the information? Well, you could go to a law library and search through the reference books. That might take you five hours. You could, instead, use a computer that is electronically linked to a special data bank of legal information. Using that method, you could obtain the information in less than an hour- and never even leave your law office.

2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Communicating by computer; punching the keys; through special cables; personal messages; increasingly important role; receiving data; a fraction of the time; messenger; directly to the receiver; amounts of information.

3. Find out which form-Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect are correct in the following sentences:

1. This house (build) in 1930. 2. A lot of money (steal) in the bank. 3. This room (clean) yesterday. 4. We (woke up) by a loud noise during the night. 5. Did you go to the party? No, I (invite). 6. How much money (steal)? 7. The roof of the building (damage) in a storm a few days ago. 8. (You, invite) to the wedding. Why didn't you go? 9. Originally the book (write) in Spanish and a few years ago (translate) into English. 10. The letter (post) a week ago and it (arrive) only yesterday.

4. Define which form of will or going to is correct in the following sentences:

1. Tom probably (arrive) at about 6 o'clock. 2. I think he (read) that book. 3. I think Ann (like) the present we bought for her. 4. - why are you turning off the TV-set? - I (watch) the news. 5. - Oh, I've just realized. I haven't got any money. - haven't you? Well, don't worry. I (lend) you some. 6. - I've got a headache. - Have you? Wait there and I (get) an aspirin for you. 7. - Why are you filling that bucket with water? - I (wash) the car.

5. Read and translate the text and use it in your own speech:


Student 1: Computers appeared in our country not long ago but today we may say that the age of computers has begun. First of all, computers let you access to a lot of information. And they let you communicate very quickly, by e-mail or using the Internet.

Student 2: They're a great help at offices because they can do jobs very quickly, for example sending out large numbers of letters or bills. You can access any information you need from the office using a modem. Large amounts of information can be stored on computer in a database.

Student 1: Do you know any other advantages of using computers?

Student 2: Yes. The best one, to my mind, is that computers make it possible to work from home. So they save us a lot of time.

Student 1: Really, computers are great thing. But what about disadvantages?

Student 2: First and foremost, computers can get viruses that can destroy the information stored in it.

Student 1: Software often has bugs, and sometimes computers crash. What is more, anyone can put information or images on the Internet, so it can be easily used by criminals to communicate with each other, or t send pornography (pictures, film, or writing that show sexual acts). There are no laws to stop this yet, and it is extremely difficult to police the Internet.

Student 2: I suppose, students shouldn't spent too much time working or playing on computers.

Student 1: Quite agree with you. Some children spend too much time playing computer games, which can be very dangerous.

Student 2: Thanks a lot. I think that despite some disadvantages computers are really the wonders of the world.

6. Language work:

1) Say in English the sentences using reported speech:

1. Він запитав мене, скільки мені років.

2. Він запитав мене, чи є в мене телефон.

3. Він запитав мене, чи живу я зі своїми батьками.

4. Він запитав мене, де я працюю.

5. Він запитав мене, скільки часу я працюю на цій фірмі.

6. Вона сказала, що раніше багато подорожувала.

7. Вона сказала, що хворіє вже 2 неділі.

8. Мама сказала, що Аня приїжджає о 3 годині.

9. Вона запитала мене, о я робила в той час.

10. Я сказала, що в той час я зайнята. Я роблю домашнє завдання.

2) Say the sentences in English using embedded questions:

1. Чи не скажете, котра година?

2. Цікаво, де він був вчора.

3. Ви не знаєте, відмінили збори?

4. Скажіть, будь ласка, о котрій годині відправляється наступний потяг.

5. Цікаво, банк відчинений у неділю?

6. Ви не знаєте, він прийде на збори?

7. Чи не можете ви сказати, які питання будуть обговорюватися на зборах?

8. Цікаво, як ви отримали цю інформацію.

9. Цікаво, як вона проживає в цій країні?

10. Вибачте,я не знаю де знаходиться ця вулиця.

Lesson 14

1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian:

Electronic Mail

Did you ever have to go out in the rain to mail a letter that couldn't wait? Have you ever received a letter weeks late because it had been mysteriously `lost' in the mail? If so, you will be very happy to know that electronic mail is here.

What exactly is electronic mail? It's just what you'd imagine: the sending of messages electronically by computer. Here's how it works.

Suppose that you are a subscriber to the Source of CompuServe. You have ten friends who subscribe as well. A few months ago, you lent one of these friends a record. You want the record back, but you can't remember who has it. Using a microcomputer and a modem, you plug into the information service's network of subscribers. Once you are on-line, you send the same message to all ten of your friends.

Your message is stored in your friends' `electronic mailboxes'. These mailboxes are nothing like those that are used by the U.S. Postal Service. They are simply storage locations in the information service's computer system. When your friends come on-line, they will check to see if they have any mail. When they do, your message will appear on the screen.

Not all electronic mail delivery is tied to an information service like The Source or CompuServe. In fact, organizations already exist that specialize in delivering electronic mail. MCI Mail and EasyLink are two examples. Subscribers to these electronic-mail services can send messages around the world on their computer. In addition, the addressee doesn't even need a computer to receive mail through one of these services. Both will transmit a letter most of the distance electronically, then print and send it the rest of the distance either by mail or by courier.

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