You phoned at 9.15, didn't you? We were discussing our business plan at that time.
Also carving its own niche is telephone marketing.
sunny rainy frosty cloudy
and hot and foggy and snowy and windy
7. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer the question as in the model:
Model: A. What's the weather like today?
B. It's hot and dry.
8. Read the dialogue and make up your own dialogue:
A. Look, Ann, is it cold outside?
B. I think it's not cold. It's warm.
A. What's the temperature today?
B. It's 4 below zero.
A. Let's go to the scating-ring.
B. I'm sorry, I'm busy.
A. What a pity!
Образование множественного числа существительных греческого и латинского происхождения.
Единственное число
Множественное число
данная величина
data [`deit]
addenda [`dend]
ошибка (опечатка)
errata [i`reit]
[mem`r ndm]
[mem`r nd]
phenomena [fi`nmin]
criteria [krai`tiri]
bases [`beisi:z]
crises [`kraisi:z]
analysis[`n lisis]
analyses [`n lisi:z]
theses [`i:si:z]
stimuli [`stimjulai]
indexes [`indkss]
indices [`indisi:z]
apparatus [p`reits]
9. Read the text and retell it in Russian:
Science and Technology in Britain
Since the first artificial splitting of the atom at Cambridge, in 1932, by Sir John Cockcroft and Dr. E. T. S. Walton, Britain's nuclear scientists have made continuous progress in harnessing atomic energy. Today eight commercial nuclear power stations are supplying electricity for factories and homes and others are being built. Some of Britain's top scientists are engaged in space research on projects such as upper atmosphere probes with British-built rockets at Woomera, Australia, and inwork on satellite communications. Others are making vital discoveries in the laboratory into the very nature of life itself.
Britain is pre-eminent in radio astronomy and in many fields of electronics including miniaturisation. one of the most important factors in the electronics revolution, and in radar for marine and aviation purposes. Much basic work was done in Britain on electronic computers. British advances in medicine include penicillin and other antibiotics, such as cephalosporins, heart-lung machines, a new anti-viral agent, Interferon, of great potential value and many other important developments in the treatment of disease.
British contributions to science include many great discoveries linked with famous names - Sir Isaac Newton (theory of gravitation), Robert Boyle ("the father of modern chemistry"), Michael Faraday (whose discoveries gave rise to the electrical industry), and Henry Cavendish (properties of hydrogen). In the present century - J. J. Thomson, Lord Rutherford and Sir James Chadwick (basic work on nuclear science), Gowland Hopkins (the existence of vitamins), Sir William Bragg (X-ray analysis), and many others. Medicine owes much to such pioneers as William Harvey (circulation of the blood), Edward Jenner (vaccination), Joseph Lister (antiseptics). Sir Ronald Ross (who proved the relation between malaria and mosquitoes).
Since 1945 there have been 27 British scientists who have received international recognition for their work by gaining Nobel awards. There are over 200 learned scientific societies in Britain. In ten years Britain has doubled her total number of qualified scientists.
10. Translate English jokes:
A. - Hallo? Is that Ted Wells?
B. - Yes. Who is speaking?
A. - Sam.
B. - Who? I don't hear.
A. - I say Sam: Sid, Ada, Mary. Do you hear?
B. - Yes, I do. But which of three is speaking?
Mother: Well, what is Mary doing?
Jane: Well, if the ice is as thick as she thinks, she is skating, but if the ice is as thin as I think, she is swimming.
Unit 8
Grammar: 1. Правила согласования времен. Косвенная речь.
2. Future-in-the-Past.
3. Бессоюзные определительные предложения.
4. This-these, that-those как заменители ранее стоящего существительного.
I. Language Practice
1. Practise the fluent reading and correct intonation:
`Are you `going to the shop?
Yes, I am. No, I am not.
`Are you `waiting for a taxi or for a bus.
I am `waiting for a bus.
`What are you doing?
I am `reading a magazine.
`What `magazine are you reading?
I am `reading an `English magazine.
`Where are you going?
I am `going to the theatre.
`Who is `going to the theatre with you?
My `friend is.
`Why are you sitting here?
I'm `sitting because I'm tired.
`What were you `doing when I `came in?
I was `looking for my `new slides.
2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and phrases:
hardware store - магазин скобяных товаров
sophomore [`sfm:] - студент-второкурсник
stock - склад
job market - рынок труда
supervisor - контролер
employee [empli`i:] - служащий
inventory - инвентаризация
skill - умение, практический опыт
to hint - намекать
establish - основывать
loan - кредит
labor coast - издержки на оплату рабочей силы
in the long run - впоследствии
promotion - продвижение по службе
incentive - стимул
Text A. How Competition Benefits Us All.
In a competitive market, producers constantly strive to reduce their production costs as a way to increase profits. The increased efficiency that allows them to reduce their costs also enables producers to sell their goods at a lower price. Thus, by promoting efficiency, competition leads to lower prices.
Competition also motivates producers to improve the quality and increase the variety of goods and services. Consumers soon learn which brand offers the best value, and that firm will earn greater profits than its competitors. Similarly, producers in a competitive market must constantly look for new and attractive goods and services to win a larger share of the market.
As firms compete for consumer's dollar in a market, their efforts lead to the production of a variety of better-quality products at the lowest possible prices. And since we are all consumers, it follows that competition benefits us all.
Text B. Competition in Many Markets: An Example.
On weekends during the school year and in the summer, David Scott works in a small local hardware store. When he began his job, as a sophomore, he was a stock clerk, and he thought himself lucky to have any job. Each year there had been a lot of competition for jobs in his city, especially in May and June when college students entered the local job market. In the spring of his senior year David decided to be more selective about where he worked and how much he earned. He decided to ask his boss for a raise to become a supervisor of the younger employees at the store.
He told his boss that since he learned the computer-assisted inventory and ordering system and other special skills he was more valuable, and should be paid accordingly. He hinted that he might seek employment elsewhere. Another store in town was advertising for someone with his skills.
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