Мы сможем доставить товар к концу этого месяца.
Искренне ваш,
Бизнес не имеет смысла, если вы не располагаете достаточной информацией о контрагенте, т.е. партнере. Необходимо знать его репутацию, его платежеспособность. Разумеется, у крупных и старых компаний такая информация есть об очень многих фирмах, которые даже не обязательно могут быть их контрагентами. Исчерпывающую информацию о возможностях фирм имеют банки. А так как информация - довольно ценный, иногда секретный, но продаваемый товар, то ее, по-видимому, можно купить. Можете, конечно, не тратить деньги, дело ваше, но имейте в виду , что не все фирмы на западе пользуются безупречной репутацией. Риск, в общем-то, благородное дело, но подумайте, чем вы рискуете, не выяснив кредитоспособность будущих контрагентов хотя бы по какому-либо валютно-финансовому изданию, где в сводных таблицах банки оценивают степень риска, связанного с кредитованием стран и юридических лиц.
Кредит - это не только оплата через определенный срок, кредит- это еще и доверие. Заключая сделку на определенных кредитных условиях, вы тем самым доверяете своему партнеру, что деньги им будут выплачены вам в срок и в полном объеме. Но где границы такого доверия? Если прошлый опыт сотрудничества показывает, что все счета на какие-то суммы были оплачены без проволочек, то можно рисковать. Рисковать, а не быть уверенным потому, что старые счета - дела прошлые, а, как известно, «все течет, все меняется». Так что и со старыми партнерами иногда приходится проводить профилактическую процедуру выяснения кредитоспособности.
Тем более надо иметь компетентную информацию о новых контрагентов. В разделе «запросы. Ответы» мы несколько раз упомянули фразу « справки о нас можно навести в таком-то банке и в такой-то фирме». Если в запросе такие адреса есть, то задача во многом упрощается, и по этим адресам рассылаются письма, в которых содержится просьба дать вам соответствующую информацию об интересующей вас фирме. Информация такого рода является конфиденциальной, поэтому в письме обычно оговаривается, что необходимая секретность будет соблюдена. Мы не станем приводить клише, распространенных в письмах-справках. Их не так много и в приводимых ниже примерах содержится достаточное количество стереотипных фраз.
Your name has been given to us as a reference by Messrs. Roger Blake and Co., who want to open an account with us.
We should be obliged if you would kindly inform us about their financial standing. We are particularly interested to know the way they have met their liabilities in business with you.
Do you think we can grant a credit of $5.000 safely?
Needless to say that your advice will be treated in strictest confidence.
We thank you in advance for your help and enclose an addressed and stamped envelope for your answer.
Ваше имя (название) было дано нам для наведения справок компанией Роджер Блейк энд Компани, которая хочет открыть у нас счет.
Мы были бы обязаны, если бы вы любезно сообщили нам об их финансовом положении. В частности, нас интересует, насколько они были ответственны в бизнесе с вами.
Думаете ли вы, что им можно дать кредит в 5.000 долларов без риска? Безусловно, ваша информация будет храниться в строжайшем секрете.
Заранее благодарим вам за помощь и прилагаем конверт с обратным адресом и с маркой для вашего ответа.
Мы считаем необходимым привести в качестве примера документ, являющийся наиболее распространенным - контракт на покупку товара в иностранном предприятии.
Extract from a form of contract for the purchase of goods by an importing organization.
Contract №…
……………………… ………………………..200..
Messrs. … hereinafter called the “Sellers”, on the one part, and V/O “Rossimport” hereinafter called the “Buyers”, on the other part, have concluded the present contract as follows:
The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought the equipment shown in the specification enclosed with the contract, and indicating the name and description of each item, qualities, weights and prices. The equipment is to conform to the Technical Conditions enclosed with the contract
Total amount of the contract ………………………………………………….
The prices are firm, and not subject to any alterations. The prices are understood f.o.b. ……. Including packing for overseas shipment, marking dock and port dues on the goods, attendance to customs formalities carnage and stevedoring.
The equipment against the present contract is to be delivered as follows: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
By the time stipulated above the equipment is to be manufactured in accordance with the conditions of the contract, tested, packed and delivered to ………………..
All the questions connected with the shipment of the goods are to be settled in accordance with the instructions given to the Sellers by the Buyers or by their Forwarding Agents, Messrs……….
…….days before the date of delivery the Sellers are to notify the Buyers by cable about the readiness of the goods for shipment from ……. And to advise the Buyers of the weights and the volumes of the goods. The same notification is to be sent to the Buyers' Forwarding Agents.
Within 24 hours of shipment of the goods the Sellers are to cable the Buyers the date of shipment, contract and transport numbers, the number of the Bill of Landing, the denomination of the equipment, the quantity of the cases, their weight, the name of the vessel and the port of destination.
The delivery date is understood to be the date of the Bill of Landing.
If during …… days from the date of the readiness o the goods for shipment the equipment cannot be loaded on board ship owing to circumstances beyond the Sellers' control (no shipping facilities available) the Sellers have the right to hand over the goods to the Buyers' Forwarding Agents. In case the date o the Forwarding Agents' receipt is to be considered the delivery date.
After the handing over of the goods to the Buyers'Forwarding Agents all the expenses connected with the storage of the goodsup to the moment of loading them on board ship are to be borne by the Buyers. But in such case the Sellers are to defray carnage and stevedoring expenses in accordance with clause 2 of the present contract.
If the goods are not ready for shipment by the date of arrival of the vessel, the Sellers are to compensate the Buyers for the losses they may sustain in connection with the underloading of the ship (dead freight).
If the Sellers fail to deliver the equipment by the dates indicated in clause 3, they are to pay the Buyers agreed and liquidated damages at the rate of …. Per cent of value of the delayed equipment for each week during the first four weeks of delay, and of …. Per cent for each following week. But the total amount of the agreed and liquidated damages is not to exceed …. Per cent of the total value of the goods delayed.
In case of delay in delivery exceeding 3 months the Buyers have the right to cancel the order in whole or in part.
The agreed and liquidated damages are to be deducted from the Sellers' invoices at the time the Buyers effect payment
Payment for the equipment delivered is to be effected in ….. following way:
a. 90 per cent of the value of the goods delivered is to be paid by acceptances of Sellers' drafts payable in London at … months from the date o Bill of Lading against documents, viz.:
Original and 2 copies of a detailed invoice.
2 original “clean on board” Bills of Lading issued in the name of V/O “Rossimport” to any Russian Port.
Packing Lists in triplicate.
Copy of the Buyers' Inspector's Release Note for Shipment issued in accordance with the Test Report or any other document as to the quality of the goods.
Sellers' letter about the dispatch of the technical documentation in accordance with clause 6 of the present contract.
Copy of the Export Licence, if required.
b. The remaining 10 per cent, of the value of the equipment delivered is to be paid after putting the equipment into operation on conditions that it reaches the capacity and quality of operation guarantied by the sellers. Payment of the 10 per cent is to be effected within 45 days upon receipt of the Sellers' invoice and the report of putting the equipment into operation at the factory of the buyers.
Within ……. Days of the date of the signing of the present contract the sellers are to send the Buyers two copies of the following drawings and technical documents for each complete machine:
General view and assembly drawings with main sizes of the equipment as well as a detailed specification of all parts and assemblies of the machine;
Detailed technical description of the machine;
Technical conditions for testing the equipment, erection, maintenance and operation instructions, lubrication schemes, etc.
Foundation and installation drawings
Working drawings of the rapidly wearing-out parts of the machine;
Certificates of the Boiler Supervising Board for the apparatuses operating under pressure.
All printed materials as well as inscriptions on the drawings are to be made in the Russian language.
In addition two copies of the above drawings and technical documents as well as the Certificate of Quality of the equipment or the Test Report stating that the equipment is manufactured in accordance with the conditions of the contract, are to wrapped in waterproof paper and packed in case # 1 together with the equipment.
If the drawings and technical documentation are not placed in the case or not sent to the Buyers beforehand, the delivery is considered non-complete. And in this case the guarantee period is to begin on the date of receipt of the complete set of drawings and technical documents by the Buyers.
The weight of the equipment delivered is to correspond to the weight in the specification enclosed with the present contract.
If the weight of any of the machines is 5 per cent lower than that stipulated in the specification, the price of such machine is to be reduced in proportion to the shortage in the weight on the basis of the average price of the machine per kilogramme.
No extra payment is to be effected for any excess weight is more than 10 per cent of the weight indicated in the specification, the Buyers have the right to reject such a machine and the Sellers are to replace it by another one.
The Buyers have the right to send their Inspectors to the Sellers' factories to check the progress of manufacture of the equipment and the quality of the material and parts and to take part in the tests of the equipment. The sellers shall place at the disposal of the Buyers' Inspectors, free of charge, all facilities necessary for carrying out the inspection.
Before shipment the Sellers are to test the equipment in accordance with the conditions of the contract. If no such conditions are given in the contract, the machines are to be tasted in accordance with the conditions existing in the corresponding branch of industry in the Sellers' country.
The results of the test are to stated in the test report which is to be issued after the test.
10 days before the test the Sellers are to inform the Buyers and the Trade Representation of Russia in ….. of the readiness of the goods for the test.
If the test is carried out in the presence of Buyers' Inspector and no defects have been found, the Inspector will issue a Release note for shipment. If the test is carried out in the absence of the Buyers' Inspector, and the tests show that the equipment is manufactured in accordance with the conditions of the contract, the Buyers or the Trade Representation of Russia in … will permit the shipment of the equipment upon receipt of the Test Report or other certificates as to the quality of the goods.
The Release Note for Shipment as well as the Test Certificates do not free the Sellers from their obligations stipulated by the Guarantee clause.
The final inspection and the test of the equipment are to take place at the Buyers' plant in Russia after erection.
The quality of the delivered is to correspond to the technical conditions stipulated in the contract or in the Appendix to it.
The Sellers guarantee that:
a. the delivered equipment corresponds to the highest technical level and the highest standards existing in the Sellers' country for the equipment in question at the moment of the fulfillment of the contracts
b. proper material and first-rate workmanship have been in the manufacture of the goods
c. the capacity of the delivered equipment and the quality of its operation are in all respects in conformity with the Technical Conditions of the contract
d. the delivered equipment is complete in accordance with the conditions of the contract which provides for its normal and uninterrupted operation
e. the technical documents and drawings are complete, accurate and sufficient for the erection and operation of the equipment.
The guarantee period is …. Months from the date of putting the equipment into operation, but not more than … months from the date of shipment of the last lot of equipment. The date of the Report issued after the test of the equipment at the Buyers' factory is considered to be the date of putting the equipment into operation.
Ниже приведем словарь минимум выражений, используемых в тексте контракта:
Forwarding agents - экспедиторы
Volume - объем
Facilities - средства, возможности
Shipping facilities - тоннаж
Receipt - расписка
To defray - оплачивать, брать на себя
To sustain - испытывать, терпеть
Sustain losses - понести потери
Underloading - недогрузка
Test report - протокол испытания
General view drawing - чертеж общего вида
Assembly - сборка
Assembly drawing - сборочный чертеж
Parts and assemblies of the machine - части и узлы машины
Lubrication - самзка
Scheme - схема
To wear out - изнашиваться
To supervise - наблюдать
Apparatus - аппарат , прибор
Inscription - надпись
Non-complete - незаконченный
Average - средний
Excess weight - излишек веса
Disposal - распоряжение
To correspond - соответствовать
Level - уровень
Elimination - устранение
Список литературы:
1. Коммерческая корреспонденция и документация на английском языке. Е.Е. Израилевич. Санкт-Петербург., 1992.
2. Деловые письма на англ. языке. Г. А. Котий. В.Р. Гюльмисаров.
3. 1000 фраз деловой переписке на англ. Языке. С.А. Шеведева. М.В. Скворцова
4. Теория и практика перевода экономических текстов с англ. Языка. А.М. Еролова.
5. English Business Letters. F.W. King. D. Ann Cree. M., 1994.
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