e.g.: little (A) - belittle (V);
friend (N) - befriend (V);
able (A) - enable (V);
courage (N) - encourage (V);
sleep (N) - asleep (word of the category of state);
foot (N) - afoot (Adv);
war (N) - prewar (A) ;
war (N) - postwar (A).
But usually prefixes do not change a part of speech.
The Source of Prefixes
Prefixes originated from notional words, which in the course of time lost their independent meanings and became prefixes.
e.g.: re (Lat. Adv.) - once again or back;
under (OE Adv., Prep.) - under;
fore (OE Adv., Prep) - foresee.
Nowadays this process continues. In Modern English there exist the so-called semi-prefixes - words which are losing their meanings.
e.g.: stone-blind, stone-deaf, ill-tempered, ill-fated.
The Classification of Prefixes
Prefixes can be classified from the point of view of their meanings.
Among them we can single out prefixes of the negative meaning: un-, in-, dis-, mis-.
e.g.: comfortable - uncomfortable, convenient - inconvenient, satisfied - dissatisfied, understand - misunderstand.
Prefixes denoting reversal or repetition of an action: un-, dis-, re-, роз-, пере-.
e.g.: lock - unlock, regard - disregard, consider - reconsider, єднати - роз'єднати, писати - переписати.
In the Ukrainian language the most productive is the prefix не-, which is used to form adjectives and nouns, but never verbs: нелегкий, невільний. A very productive prefix is the prefix без-: безпомічний. In the English language this prefix corresponds to the suffix -less: defenceless. The prefixes де-, дис-, а- are used as parts of borrowed words and they are unproductive: децентралізація, дисбаланс, асиметричний.
Prefixes denoting space and time relations: fore-, pre-, post-, over-, super-, до-, перед-, над-, під-, пере-, після-.
e.g.: tell - foretell, war - prewar, war - postwar, spread - overspread, structure - superstructure, історичний - доісторичний, воєнний - післявоєнний, водний - підводний.
Prefixes can be international:
- Anti-/анти- (antifascist, антифашист);
- Counter-/контр (countermarch, контрмарш);
- sub-/суб (submarine, субмарина).
Some prefixes can have a semantic identity only (but no linguistic similarity):
- foresee - передбачити;
- extranatural - надприродний.
There can be semantically alien prefixes pertaining to one of the contrasted languages:
- de- (decamp);
- mis- (misstate);
- по- (по-українському);
- що- (щонайкраще).
A specifically Ukrainian phenomenon is the usage of the prefix по- (попоїсти).
Suffixation is the formation of words with the help of suffixes. Suffixes usually modify the lexical meaning of stems and transfer words to a different part of speech. There are suffixes, however, which do not shift words from one part of speech into another. A suffix of this kind usually transfers a word into a different semantic group.
e.g.: A concrete noun becomes an abstract one: child - childhood.
Suffixes can be classified according to their ability to form a new part of speech, to their origin, productivity.
Noun-forming suffixes:
-er (teacher, worker),
-ing (living, reading);
-ness (kindness, tenderness). These suffixes are productive.
-age (voyage, courage);
-ard (coward, drunkard);
-ment (agreement, employment);
-th (strength, length). These suffixes are non-productive.
In the Ukrainian language these are the following suffixes:
-ар (шахтар, лікар);
-ик (історик, радник);
-ець (гравець, українець);
-ач (оглядач, наглядач);
-ак (співак, мастак);
-нь (учень, здоровань).
Adjective-forming suffixes:
-able (movable, readable);
-ful (powerful, delightful);
-ish (whitish, bookish);
-less (useless, hopeless);
-y (noisy, sunny). These are productive suffixes.
-en (golden, woollen) - non-productive.
ов- (зимовий, раптовий)
н- (хмарний, класний)
ив- (щасливий, кмітливий)
ськ-/ цьк- (англійський, німецький).
Some suffixes are homonymous. For example, the suffix ful- can form adjectives and nouns: careful (Adj) - handful (N).
In the Ukrainian language (but not in English) diminutive suffixes are often used:
-ньк (малесенький), -чк (дівчатко), -ець(вітерець).
Numeral-forming suffixes:
-teen (thirteen, fifteen);
-ty (sixty, seventy);
-th (seventh, eighth). These are non-productive suffixes.
Pronoun-forming suffixes:
-s (ours, yours). The suffix is non-productive.
Verb-forming suffixes:
- ate (complicate, navigate);
- en (darken, strengthen);
- fy (signify, simplify);
- ute (attribute, execute). These suffixes are non-productive.
In the Ukrainian language these are the suffixes: (ув)ати-, ити-(сушити, головувати).
Adverb--forming suffixes:
- ly (quickly, lately);
- long (sidelong, headlong);
- ward(s) forward, toward(s);
-ways, wise (clockwise, otherwise, crabways). Of all these suffixes only the suffix
-ly is productive.
In the Ukrainian language that is the suffix о-: високо, широко.
From the point of view of semantics suffixes can be classified in the following way:
1. Agent suffixes:
-ist/ -іст/-ист (journalist, артист) ;
ar/ -ар/-яр (scholar, школяр);
ier-/-yer/ -ир (cashier, бригадир).
2. Suffixes denoting abstract notions:
-ism/ -ізм (socialism, комунізм);
-tion/ -ац (demonstration, демонстрація);
-dom/ -ств/-цтв (kingdom, газетярство);
-hood/ -ств (brotherhood, братство).
3. Evaluative suffixes:
-ette (kitchenette);
-y/-ie/-ey (sissy);
-ling (duckling).
-атк/ ятк (дівчатко, оленятко)
-ик (ротик);
-ечк (донечка);
-ичк (сестричка);
-ньк (дівчинонька).
All Ukrainian diminutive suffixes are productive. In English only -ie/ey, -ette are productive.
4. Gender/sex expressing suffixes.
In the Ukrainian language they can express masculine gender:
- -ар/яр (лікар, школяр);
- -ист/іст (бандурист);
- -ій (водій);
- -ант/ент (студент).
Feminine gender can be expressed by means of the following suffixes:
-к (артистка);
-их (кравчиха).
Neuter gender is expressed by means of:
-атк (курчатко);
-к (вушко);
-ц (винце).
English gender suffixes are only sex expressing: actor - actress.
5. International suffixes:
-er/or ор(conductor, кондуктор);
-ist/іст (socialist, соціаліст);
-tion/ц (revolution, революція);
-able/абельн(readable, читабельний).
In both languages there are semi-affixes. In English these are the elements:
loadsa-, friendly, -something.
In Ukrainian the semi-suffixes are: повно-, ново-, само-, авто-, -вод, -воз (повноправно, автопілот, водовоз, тепловоз).
Types of Conversion
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