* forms of gymnastics;
* how gymnastics develop human body;
* the place for practising gymnastics;
* the International Gymnastic Federation.
Task III. Study the vocabulary to text 2 “Men's events”:
1. consist v состоять
e.g. A men's gymnastics competition consists of six events
2. set n серия, цикл, система
a последовательный, определенный
e.g. In a set order
3. floor exercises n вольные упражнения
e.g. The floor exercises give competitors a chance to warm up.
4. pommel horse n 1. конь-махи (упражнение)
2. конь с ручками (снаряд)
e.g. The pommel horse is the equipment that is used for men's training.
5. rings n кольца
e.g. The gymnast must be very strong to perform on the rings.
6. horse vault n опорный прыжок для мужчин
7. parallel bars n параллельные брусья
e.g. The parallel bars are used only by men.
8. horizontal bar n перекладина
syn. high bar
e.g. The horizontal or high bar produces the most exciting moments in gymnastics.
9. specialist n спортсмен, выступающий в одном или двух видах программы
10. measure v иметь размеры
e.g. The mat measures 12 metres square.
11. require v требовать
e.g. The gymnast performs a continuous series of movements that require balance, flexibility, and strength performing the floor exercises.
12. handspring n переворот прогнувшись через прямые руки (назад, вперед, боком)
e.g. Each gymnast must perform handsprings.
13. leap n прыжок
e.g. Gymnasts movements include leaps in floor exercises.
14. somersault n сальто
e.g. Somersault in the air
15. tumbling n акробатика
syn. acrobatics
e.g. Series of movements include tumbling in floor exercises.
16. pad v набивать ватой или волосом
e.g. The padded piece of equipment
17. support n поддержка, опора, упор
v поддерживать
e.g. The gymnast uses the pommels to support the weight.
18. swing n взмах, мах, раскачивание
v махать, перемахивать, делать оборот
e.g. He swings his legs
19. the scissors n ножницы (скрестный мах ногами (на коне))
e.g. The gymnast performs a movement called the scissors.
20. switch v переключать, менять
e.g. The gymnast switches the position of the legs, as he swings them from side to side.
21. frequently adv часто
e.g. The gymnast must frequently support himself with only one hand.
22. suspend v висеть, подвешивать
23. cable n канат, трос
e.g. The event is performed on two wooden rings suspended from cables.
24. grasp n хват, сжатие
v хватать, сжимать, выполнять хват
e.g. The gymnast leaps up and grasps the rings.
25. cross n крест
e.g. Azaryan's cross.
26. extend v вытягивать, протягивать
e.g. The sportsmen extended his arms sideways.
27. upright a вертикальный, прямой
e.g. He supports himself in an upright position with his arms extended sideways.
28. remain v оставаться
e.g. The sportsman remained in the upright position.
29. motionless a неподвижный
e.g. The gymnast remained motionless.
30. resemble v быть похожим
e.g. The stand resembles the one on the pommel horse.
31. vault n опорный прыжок
v выполнять опорный прыжок
e.g. Men vault across the length of the horse.
32. approach v подходить, приближаться
e.g. He approached the parallel bars.
33. springboard n гимнастический мостик
e.g. After a running start, the gymnast jumps from a springboard.
34. twist n поворот на 360 градусов, вращение, винт
v поворачиваться, вращаться
e.g. The competitor may twist or turn before landing.
35. average n среднее число (величина)
e.g. The gymnast's final score comes from an average of his two vaults.
36. apart adv врозь, широко, в отдельности
e.g. The parallel bars are two long wooden bars about 16.5 centimetres high and slightly more than shoulder width apart.
37. handstand n стойка на руках
e.g. The gymnast supports himself on the bars with his hands while performing handstands.
38. support swing размахивание в упоре
swing to handstand стойка на руках из упора махом назад
39. hold n хват, захват, выдержка (статический элемент)
v хватать, держать, выдерживать, фиксировать
e.g. The gymnast may perform several holding positions on the parallel bars.
40. reverse a обратный (хват, мах)
v выполнять в другую сторону, плечом назад
e.g. The competitor must reverse his position on the bar.
41. stagger v шататься
42. grip n хват (на параллельных брусьях)
43. regain v возвратить, получать обратно
e.g. On the bar the competitor releases his grip and regains while in the air.
44. dismount n соскок
v выполнять соскок
e.g. Many gymnasts finish their performance with a spectacular dismount from the bar.
45. all-around competition n соревнование по многоборью
e.g. All-around competition for men consists of six events.
46. all-around gymnastics champion n
чемпион в гимнастическом многоборье, абсолютный чемпион по гимнастике
Task IV. The men's gymnastics competition consists of six events. Read the text and draw up the programme of a men's gymnastics competition.
There are three types of gymnastics competitions: 1) artistic gymnastics; 2) rhythmic gymnastics and 3) acrobatics. Artistic gymnastics is gymnastics without apparatus and gymnastics on apparatus.
A men's gymnastics competition consists of six events that are held in a set order. These events, in order of performance, are the (1) floor exercise, (2) pommel horse, (3) rings, (4) horse vault, (5) parallel bars, and (6) horizontal bar. Men who compete in all six events are called all-round gymnasts. Those who enter only one or two events are called specialists.
The floor exercise is performed on a mat that measures 12 metres square. The gymnast performs a continuous series of movements that require balance, flexibility, and strength. These movements include handsprings, leaps, somersaults in the air, and tumbling. The floor exercise must be completed in not less than 50 seconds and not more than 70 se-conds. In competition all parts of the floor area and all directions should be used. Strength movements should be performed slowly and static positions must be held for at least two seconds. Somersaults should be done at shoulder height.
The pommel horse, or side horse, is named after the padded piece of equipment on which this event is held. The horse measures about 165 centimetres long and about 35 centimetres wide. It has two wooden handles on top called pommels which are about 125 centimetres from the floor. The gymnast uses the pommels to support his weight entirely with his hands. He swings his legs in circles around the sides and top of the horse without stopping. He also performs a movement called the scissors, beginning with one leg on each side of the horse. He switches the positions of his legs as he swings them from side to side. He must frequently support himself with only one hand while raising the other hand to swing his legs past.
This event is performed on two wooden rings suspended from cables about 250 centimetres above the floor. The gymnast leaps up and grasps the rings and then tries to keep them motionless while performing various movements. These include handstands and complete circular swings. The athlete supports his body in various strength positions, which require exceptional power. In a movement called the cross, for example, he supports himself in an upright position with his arms extended sideways. The event also includes holding positions, which require him to remain motionsless for two seconds. The gymnast performs his routine, concluding by landing on the floor with both legs together.
The horse vault is performed on a stand that resembles the pommel horse but has no pommels. In this event, the gymnast vaults across the length of the horse. He approaches the horse at a run and jumps up and forward from a low springboard. He places one or both hands on the horse for support as he goes over. He may twist around in the air, do a somersault, or perform any one of several movements. Competitors must not stagger on landing. In some competitions, the gymnast vaults twice and his final score comes from an average of his two vaults. In international competition, the gymnast vaults once.
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