1. What is steel?
2. What are the main properties of steel?
3. What are the drawbacks of steel?
4. What kinds of steel do you know? Where are they used?
5. What gives the addition of manganese, silicon and chromium to steel?
6. What can be made of mild steels (medium-carbon steels, high-carbon steels)?
7. What kind of steels can be forged and welded?
8. How can we get rust-proof (stainless) steel?
9. What is used to form a hard surface on steel?
10. What are high-speed steels alloyed with?
Exercise 1.5. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:
1. сплав железа и углерода
2. прочный и жесткий
3. легко коррозирует
4. нержавеющая сталь
5. низкое содержание углерода
6. ковкость
7. листовое железо, проволока, трубы
8. конструкционные стали
9. пригодны для ковки и сварки
10. твердый и хрупкий
11. режущие инструменты
12. хирургические инструменты
13. инструментальная сталь
15. добавление марганца (кремния, хрома, вольфрама, молибдена, ванадия)
to immerse -- погружать
to apply -- применять
intermediate -- промежуточный
oxide film -- оксидная пленка
annealing -- отжиг, отпуск
cracking -- растрескивание
General understanding:
1. What can be done to obtain harder steel?
2. What makes steel more soft and tough?
3. What makes steel more malleable and ductile?
4. What can serve as the indicator of metal temperature while heating it?
5. What temperature range is used for tempering?
6. What are the methods of steel heat treatment used for?
Exercise 1.6. Translate into English the following words and word combinations:
1. температура нормализации
2. мелкозернистая структура
3. быстрое охлаждение
4. закаленная сталь
5. состав стали
6. окисная пленка
7. индикатор температуры
8. медленное охлаждение
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev is a famous Russian chemist. He is best known for his development of the periodic table of the properties of the chemical elements. This table displays that elements' properties are changed periodically when they are arranged according to atomic weight.
Mendeleyev was born in 1834 in Tobolsk, Siberia. He studied chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg, and in 1859 he was sent to study at the University of Heidelberg. Mendeleyev returned to St. Petersburg and became Professor of Chemistry at the Technical Institute in 1863. He became Professor of General Chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg in 1866. Mendeleyev was a well-known teacher, and, because there was no good textbook in chemistry at that time, he wrote the two-volume «Principles of Chemistry» which became a classic textbook in chemistry.
In this book Mendeleyev tried to classify the elements according to their chemical properties. In 1869 he published his first version of his periodic table of elements. In 1871 he published an improved version of the periodic table, in which he left gaps for elements that were not known at that time. His table and theories were proved later when three predicted elements: gallium, germanium, and scandium were discovered.
Mendeleyev investigated the chemical theory of solution. He found that the best proportion of alcohol and water in vodka is 40%. He also investigated the thermal expansion of liquids and the nature of petroleum.
In 1893 he became director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures in St. Petersburg and held this position until his death in 1907.
useful -- полезный
shape -- форма, формировать
rolling -- прокатка
extrusion -- экструзия, выдавливание
drawing -- волочение
forging -- ковка
sheet -- лист
to subject -- подвергать
amount -- количество
condition -- состояние, условие
perform -- выполнять, проводить
to harden -- делаться твердым, упрочняться
at least -- по крайней мере
common -- общий
billet -- заготовка, болванка
orifice -- отверстие
die -- штамп, пуансон, матрица, фильера, волочильная доска
cross section -- поперечное сечение
window frame -- рама окна
tube -- труба
hollow -- полый
initial -- первоначальный, начальный
thick-walled -- толстостенный
mandrel -- оправка, сердечник
impact -- удар
loosely -- свободно, с зазором
fitting -- зд. посадка
ram -- пуансон, плунжер
force -- сила
gap -- промежуток, зазор
to determine -- устанавливать, определять
1. Why are metals so important in industry?
2. What are the main metalworking processes?
3. Why are metals worked mostly hot?
4. What properties does cold working give to metals?
5. What is rolling? Where is it used?
6. What is extrusion? What shapes can be obtained after extrusion?
7. What are the types of extrusion?
Exercise 2.1. Find the following in the text:
Страницы: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41