Рефераты. Определительные придаточные предложения и их уточнительная и восполнительная роль в описании образов...

 10) The fantastic robes were figured with all that a painter can copy from nature. (159)

d) уточняющие обстоятельство:

1)                    We find good qualities in the highwayman in the hope that he may spare our pockets. (121)

2)                    The young man was watching him with that strange expression that one sees on the faces of those… (179) Придаточных аппозитивных предложений, уточняющих обстоятельство, в этом романе крайне мало.

     Согласно М. Я. Блоху все определительные придаточные предложения аппозитивного типа делятся на три группы: аппозитивные предложения с определяемым словом существительным (“nounal relation”), аппозитивные предложения с определяемым словом местоимением (“pronominal relation”), аппозитивные предложения  вводного типа  (“anticipatory relation”)[Блох 1998:310].

     2.2.1. Аппозитивные предложения с определяемым словом существительным. Эта группа предложений может заключать в себе информацию разных категорий - как номинальных, так и адвербиальных. Именно этот вид отношений характерен для большинства аппозитивных предложений в романе О.Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Геря»:

       1) I suppose it comes from the fact that none of us stand other people having the same faults as ourselves.(15)

       2) There had been things in his boyhood that he had not understood. (27)

       3) There is no reason why she should not contract an alliance with him. (77)

4)                    There was no doubt that the whole expression had altered. (106)

5)                    I have no doubt it was not an accident. (115)

6)                    Even Harry had no idea what I was going through. (128)

7)                    That accounts for the fact that we all take such pains to over-educate ourselves.(19)

8)                     The reason we all like to think so well of others is that we are all afraid for ourselves. (88)

9)                    That is the reason that I don’t believe anything he has told me. (27)

One often imagines things that are quite absurd. (171) здесь аппозитивная придаточная часть уточняет определяемое слово-существительное “ things”. Чаще всего определяемое слово используется в единственном числе. Употребление множественного числа - реже, но также возможно.

 2.2.2. Аппозитивные предложения с определяемым словом местоимением. Этот вид можно легко распознать по определяемому слову, которое выражено неопределённым или указательным местоимением:

1)                        There is nothing that Art cannot express. (17)

2)                        With your personality there is nothing you could not do. (30)

3)                        There is nothing in the whole world I would not give. (34)

4)                         There was something in his look that had made her feel afraid. (77)

5)                        He had something that he had brooded on for many months of silence. (79)

   6) There was something about Dorian that charmed everybody. (140)

 7) There might be something that I wouldn’t like. (114)

 8) There is nothing that you will not be able to do. (121) Здесь придаточная часть уточняет определяемое слово “nothing”, выраженное неопределённым местоимением.

 9) How little he had thought of all that was in store for him. (142)

 10) There was something in the purity of his face that rebuked him. (148)


 2.2.3. Аппозитивные предложения вводного типа. Эти предложения используются в конструкции с вводным местоимением (главным образом с помощью it):

1)                    Could it be that what that soul thought. (111)

2)                    It had made him conscious how unjust, how cruel he had been to Sibyl Vane. (112)

3)                    Why is it that I cannot feel this tragedy as much as I want to? (117)

4)                    It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner. (117)

5)                    It seems rather absurd that I shouldn’t see my own work. (130)

6)                    It seemed to him that as the man left the room his eyes wandered in the direction of the screen. (137)

7)                    It was simply the impression that had altered. (139)

8)                    It seemed horrible to him that it was here the fatal portrait was to be hidden away. (141)

9)                    It would be more accurate to say that he never sought to free himself from it. (147)

10)               But it appeared to Dorian Gray that the true nature of the senses had never been understood. (150)

    2.3. Предложения описательного типа. Эти предложения редко используются в устной речи, но часто встречаются на письме. Как и лимитирующие и аппозитивные типы, этот вид предложений можно рассмотреть на основании того, какой именно член предложения он описывает:

a)                    описание подлежащего:

1)                     The son, who had been his father’secretary, had resigned along with his chief. (40) Придаточная часть “who had been his father’secretary” содержит всего лишь дополнительную информацию о подлежащем, поэтому может быть исключена из предложения, не создав каких-либо серьёзных изменений в главном.

2) … chuckled Sir Thomas, who had a large wardrobe of Humour’s cast-off clothes. (48)

3)                    You, who know all the secrets of life, tell me how to charm Sibyl Vane to love me. (66)

4)                    … exclaimed Lord Henry, who was scanning the occupants of the gallery through his opera-glass. (96)

5)                    The Jew manager, who was standing at the back of the dress-circle, stamped and swore with rage. (98)

6)                    … said Lord Henry, who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad’s unconscious egotism. (117)

7)                    Even Harry, who was here, in fact, had no idea. (128) Определительная придаточная часть “who was here” только лишь дополняет и описывает подлежащее “Harry”.

8)                    … answered the frame-maker, who was still gasping for breath. (143)

9)                    The hero, in whom the romantic and the scientific temperaments were so strangely blended, became to him a kind of prefiguring type of himself. (147)

10)               There was Sir Henry Ashton, who had to leave England, with a tarnished name. (173)

11) There were many young men, who saw in Dorian Gray the true realisation of a type… (149)

b)                   описание именной части составного именного сказуемого:

1) He was a marvellous type, too, this lad, whom by so curious a chance he had met in Basil’s studio. (45)

2)                    Mr Hubbard was a florid, red-whiskered little man, whose admiration for art was considerably tempered by the inveterate impecuniosity of most of the artists… (140)

It was a large, well-proportioned room, which had been specially built by the last Lord Kelso for the use of the little grandson. (141) В придаточных определительных предложениях определяемое слово может использоваться как с неопределённым артиклем, так и без него.

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