Рефераты. The basic features of translation informal lexicon

· Research?of classification and feature of translation of such lexicon.

· The analysis of features of translation?slang??lexicon?which?meets?in?products?of the modern English literature and publicistic texts.

For achievement of this purpose we put before themselves the following problems of the suggested work:

· ?Definition?of sphere of existence of informal lexicon.

· Research?of functioning of such lexicon as systems.

· Tracking?sources of its occurrence.

· Research?of its?division?into versions and?investigation?of features and problems?which?arise during translation of such lexicon.

In research work the following methods have been used: describably-analytical and statistical methods, the descriptive, comparative analysis, a method of continuous sample.

Theoretical value of the given work consists that:

· ?Comparative research of the above-stated lexical subsystems in English and Ukrainian languages is carried out.

· Attempt to develop?uniform?criteria of classification of the English and Ukrainian informal lexicon behind?different?aspects and features of its translation?is carried out.

· Different?methods and approaches while translating informal lexicon from the English language on Ukrainian are considered.

Practical value of work:

· ?The offered?materials on slang (youth,?office,?professional,?political, mass-media, computer).

· Definition?of the most expedient methods and receptions while translating informal lexicon from the English language on Ukrainian.

· The conclusion?anglo-ukrainian?the dictionary?of the most popular words and expressions of English slang.

The given works allow to expand knowledge of stylistic and grammatic features of translation of informal lexicon.

The basic sources which were used for a spelling of our work, were lexicographic editions (sensible and bilingual dictionaries, dictionaries of terms) and materials from the Internet. We used also works of above-stated linguists Richard of A.L. Spersa «the Dictionary American slang», Stirling Johnson «English as a Second F*cking Language», Stefan Marder» Additional Russian-english the Dictionary», Harold Uentuorta and Steward Flacksner «Dictionary of American Slang», M. Moskovtseva and S. Shevchenko «Is illustrated the dictionary American slangs», Lesya Stavytska» the Ukrainian slang. The dictionary» and the monography «the Slang, a slang. Social differentiation of the Ukrainian language», T. Kondratyuk «the Dictionary of modern Ukrainian slang», L. Zharkovo's scientific work «Emotional - estimated lexicon of modern Ukrainian language the/general names of persons /», etc. We were the used works from the theory of translation of such linguists as Z. Lvovska, Century. Komisarov, O. Schweitzer, I. Galper_n, V. Zhirmunsky, V. Homjakov, V. Krupnov, etc. Addressed to fiction of mainly modern English and Ukrainian writers and to periodicals.

In work the general theoretical problems of translation are considered, in particular, translation as a specific kind of human activity, is considered translational aspect of informal lexicon: methods, approaches and receptions which can be applied while translating emotionally painted expressions of colloquial lexicon.

As addition serves english-ukrainian the dictionary of the most popular words and expressions American slang which of dictionaries of modern Ukrainian slang found similar Ukrainian slangimisms, that include approximately same expressivity. The dictionary also contains the information on situations of the use corresponding slangimism in modern products of the English literature.

1. Translation as a specific kind of human activity

As the theme elected by us rather specific and to us was not possible to find the scientific researches devoted especially of translation of informal lexicon, we have addressed to the general{common} theories of translating.

There are some approaches to a technique of translation.

So, A. Fedorov in the linguistic sketch «Bases of the general theory of translation» considerstwo basic directions in the decision of problems of translating, such as grammatic questions of translation. Also it considers features of translation of different styles of language where rather in details submits the linguistic questions connected to interpretation of texts of fiction.

Interesting to us there was that idea which while translating of slang and popular speech (and all these concern to informal lexicon above the specified categories) the translator should recreate them on same stylistic equal, not managing {not going right} to replacement by literarier, book words and expressions. The author marks: «…if in translation which recreates dialecticisms, some elements of the original, at infringement of an author's plan are supposed especially literary words or word-combinations the last brings to nothing all efforts on reproduction of stylistic painting the original, destroys impression about integrity» [A. Fedorov: C.318]. Also A. Fedorov considers, that though both in practice, and in the theory while translating special attention it is given lexicon, not smaller value can get grammatical means that are capable to recreate stylistic painting of informal lexicon, in particular suffixes of value judgment, syntactic shifts and т.п.

V. Komisarov in work «the Word about translation» offers other approach to problems I shall translate and results some theories which, in our opinion, cover a number of problems which arise while translating more full. Advantage is that the author considers a question of translating not only in language aspect, and puts forward the theories connected to communicative function. Useful there is that last approach can be applied and in relation to informal lexicon as it frequently appears in direct language and carries out directly communicative function.

Pragmatically aspects of translation are shined also with O. Schweitzer in the book «the Theory of translation: the status, problems, aspects». Interesting its research concerning equivalence and adequacy of translation which explain translation process and possible criteria of its estimation as result.

Rather successful approach to classification of models of translation, in our opinion, offers Z. Lvovska in work «Theoretical problems of translation». Being guided by a principle of communication between language values and the maintenance of activity, the author divides all existing theories of translation on two basic types: language and communicative, thus an accessory of some theories to so-called transitive cases [30, C.43].

As the informal, colloquial lexicon represents that layer of lexicon which is directly connected to human dialogue, we would like to stop more in details first of all on communicative models of translation. To Z. Lvovska's this category carries the theory of dynamic equivalence and the theory of levels of equivalence.

The author counts main principle of the theory of equivalence idea of the functional contents of the initial message which is defined by communicative installation of the author of the original [30, With 66]. On the basis of this idea the author makes a line of conclusions, namely, necessity to take into account «person» of the author of the original as its communicative installation is a category subjective. So, the problem of the translator will be to understand and keep in the text of translation this communicative installation, and it is possible only under condition of a parity of value of the text or the statement with language a situation. Also this idea provides functional equivalence of the text of translation to the text of the original which is defined not on the basis of formal conformity of texts, and on the basis of reaction of the speaking another language addressee. I.e., in the text of translation reaction of the addressee has as to answer communicative installation of the sender, as well as in the text of the original (30, With 67).

Taking into account that not normative lexicon carries on itself precise expressively-emotional mark, the theory of dynamic equivalence is given out to us rather successful for application of it while translating texts which contain words and expressions of lexicon of informal dialogue. In fact, as marks Z. Lvovska, the dynamic model of translation includes a line of structural, semantic and stylistic - functionally-stylistic restrictions which narrow a choice and define a direction of translational transformations. And among these restrictions first of all it is necessary to note expressive characteristics of the text of the original, its stylistic features, rate of the use of this or that lexical unit in language of translation within the limits of corresponding style and etc.

Other theory of communicative models of translation is the theory of levels of the equivalence, for the first time the offered V. Komisarov, Z. Lvovska, having processed this theory on a material of the Spanish language, gives its more brief description. We shall result substantive provisions and we shall try to determine expediency of application of the specified theory for text translation in English where not normative lexicon is used.

The theory of levels of equivalence is based on idea that the plan of the maintenance language products has the «multilayered» structure. In it is possible to allocate the certain levels and to establish between them hierarchical communications. The top level - the purpose of the communications, which is put by the author in language product. The trace go four equal, that submit each other and the purposes of the communications:

· ?A level of the description of a situation (the information on material and ideal objects of the validity and communication between them);

· A level (structures)?the message?(a choice of one of possible synonymic ways of the description of a situation of the validity);

· A level of the statement (a linear number{line}?in?a special way of the selected signs?which?are united by any rules and settle down?in?the certain order) and

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