The further studying of questions of adaptation of workers in collective can be directed on development of the project of perfection of system of adaptation of the personnel and calculation of economic efficiency of such project, development of concrete actions on its introduction.
As the basis for fulfilment of process of adaptation of the staff objective necessity of creation at the enterprise of effective system of adaptation of the personnel which by the moment of a writing of the given work actually is absent has served. But such necessity for a long time has ripened. So, the parameter of turnover of staff reaches 3,1 % (one worker has already left three newcomers - 33 %). Relative density of workers of a pension age - among workers-men - 15 %, as a whole on a printing house - 14,5 % is great enough. Ageing of collective can speak low enough parameter of average earnings
2.4. The project of increasing the corporate attention to problems of the
staff adaptation
Purpose of development of the project which character can be defined as mainly social, is increase of corporate attention to problems of adaptation of again staying personnel, decrease in turnover of staff, growth of satisfaction by work. Via these factors the system of adaptation will render positive influence on achievement economic and is industrial-commercial objectives the organizations. Design offers consist in development of following documents:
The standard of adaptation of the personnel
The Duty regulations of the expert on adaptation of the personnel
The plan and the schedule of introduction of the project
Calculation of social and economic efficiency of the project
The plan of preparation of the personnel to introduction of the project [10;32]
Basis for development of the project is necessity of creation at the enterprise of effective system of adaptation of the personnel which by the moment of a writing of the given work actually is absent has served. The parameter of turnover of staff reaches 3,1 % (one worker has already left three newcomers - 33 %). Relative density of workers of a pension age - among workers-men - 15 %, as a whole on a printing house - 14,5 % is great enough. Ageing of collective can speak low enough parameter of average earnings. The project for achievement of an object in view should be under construction in view of the situation which have developed in the Publishing House operating of methodical base, safety requirements of work, conditions labour and the collective agreement of the organization, achievements of a modern science. So, the Standard of adaptation of the personnel should contain the detailed rules of process of adaptation with breakdown on stages and the detailed description of purpose of each of them. The list of functions of management of adaptation of the personnel should reveal functional interrelations of divisions of the organization during functioning system of adaptation.
The duty regulations of the expert on adaptation of the personnel regulates activity of the expert and contains requirements to the worker replacing this post. It is made on the basis of deep studying work on the given post with definition of concrete requirements to the worker concerning its knowledge, experience, skills (the personal specification). Contains sections: the general parts, the purposes, functions, the information, the rights, the responsibility. [11;35-36]
The operational program of functions of management of adaptation of workers is called to break process of adaptation of workers and sequence of actions of various persons and divisions within the limits of functioning system of adaptation. Calculation of social and economic efficiency of the project pursues the purpose of an estimation of economic benefit of its introduction and quality standard of the remote social and economic consequences.
The plan of preparation of the personnel to introduction of the project is made in view of the requirement of creation at the personnel of a positive image of system of adaptation, positive expectations and readiness fully to participate in realization of process of adaptation of the personnel.
In the second chapter we opened the problem of adaptation in Publishing House `Prapor'. The main problem is that there is no technology of adaptation, the documentation on process of adaptation, there is no expert which official duties would include functions on adaptation of new workers. The institute of preceptorship is not developed. Thus, process of adaptation should be constructed from the basis. The operational program of functions of management of adaptation of workers is called to break process of adaptation of workers and sequence of actions of various persons and divisions within the limits of functioning system of adaptation. Calculation of social and economic efficiency of the project pursues the purpose of an estimation of economic benefit of its introduction and quality standard of the remote social and economic consequences.
3. Elaboration of the improving project of adaptation in the Publishing
House “Prapor”
This chapter reviews the elaboration of the improving project of adaptation in the Publishing House “Prapor” stage by stage on corresponding standards of the staff adaptation, also will be opened the functionary regulations of the expert on adaptation of the personnel, the plan and the schedule of introduction of the project, and also will be shown the plan of preparation of the personnel for introduction of the project.
3.1. Standard of the staff adaptation
Stage 1. Acquaintance with industrial peculiarities the organizations, inclusion in communicative networks, acquaintance to the personnel, corporate peculiarity of communications, corporate ethics, rules of behaviour.
Stage 2. Practical acquaintance of new worker to the duties and requirements which to him are shown from the organization. The direct head spends acquaintance of beginners with firm and its history, personnel selection, conditions of work and rules, explains problems and the requirements shown to work, enters the worker into working group, encourages the help to beginners from skilled workers. [12;69-74]
The program of orientation includes a number small lectures, excursion, practical works (work on certain workplaces or with the certain equipment). Are without fail made instructing under the safety precautions and a labour safety.
During carrying out of the program of orientation following questions should be mentioned:
The general representation about the company
A policy of the organization
The Payment
Side benefits
The Labour safety and observance of the safety precautions
The worker and its attitudes with trade union
The Consumer services
Economic forces
After passage of the general program of orientation the special program in which following questions can be mentioned can be lead:
Functions of division
Working duties and the responsibility
The demanded reporting
Procedures, rules, instructions
Stage 3. Effective adaptation. For increase of efficiency of effective adaptation to the beginner the instructor is appointed.
A stage 4. Functioning. Process of adaptation comes to the end with this stage, it is characterized by gradual overcoming industrial and interpersonal problems and transition to stable work.
The standard of adaptation can assume also testing of beginners for adaptation in group, for example, with application of the questionnaire which allows to reveal type of behaviour of the individual in group.
As a parameter of type of the given perception the role of group in individual activity perceiving acts:
the Individual perceives group as a handicap of the activity or concerns to it neutrally. The group does not represent independent value for the individual. It is shown in evasion from joint forms of activity, in preference of individual work, in restriction of contacts. This type of perception can be named the individual of group "individualisticheskim".
the Individual perceives group as the means promoting achievement of those or other individual purposes. Thus the group is perceived and estimated from the point of view of its "utility" for the individual. Is preferred more competent members of the group, capable to assist, incur the decision of a challenge or to be a source of the necessary information. The given type of perception can be named the individual of group "pragmatical".
the individual perceives group as independent value. On the foreground for the individual problems of group and its separate members act, interest as in successes of each member of group, and group as a whole, aspiration to bring the contribution to group activity is observed. The need for collective forms of work takes place. This type of perception can be named by the individual of the group "collectivistic".
On the basis of three described hypothetical "types" of perception the individual of group had been created the special questionnaire revealing prevalence of this or that type of perception of group at the investigated individual. [13;103-105]
The questionnaire consists from 10 items-judgements containing three alternative choices. In each item of the questionnaire of alternative are randomized. Each alternative corresponds to the certain type of perception the individual of group. On each item of the questionnaire examinees should choose the alternative most suitable them according to the offered instruction. On the basis of answers, examinees by means of "key", calculation of points on each type of perception is made. Prevailing consider the type of the perception which has typed the greatest quantity of points.
The expert on adaptation of the personnel in the Publishing House «Prapor» should know organizational structure of Open Society, technological features and needs of manufacture, corporate requirements to work and ethics, psychological features of process of primary and secondary adaptation.
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