Рефераты. Modal verbs

Different meanings may be associated with different forms of the infinitive - simple and perfect (both in the active and passive forms), continuous and perfect continuous;

If the modal verbs have more than one form (can - could, may - might, will - would, also the verbs to have and to be), their different meanings are not necessarily found in all those forms.

The use of modal verbs is in most cases independent of the structure of the sentence: the use of this of that modal verb is determined by the attitude of the speaker towards the facts contained in the sentence. In this case we may speak of the free or independent use of modal verbs.

E. g. He admires you. He thinks you're a little beauty. Perhaps I oughtn't to have told you that.

He may be in the hall now, waiting for me.

But sometimes the use of certain modal verbs depends on the structure of the sentence, mainly on the type of the subordinate clause, and occasionally also on the lexical character of the predicate verb in the principal clause. This may be called the structurally dependent use of modal verbs.

E. g. It is obviously necessary that an investigation should be made.

Christine feared she might not be met at all.

When the use of modal verbs is structurally dependent, their meaning is sometimes weakened; in fact, it may be quite vague. This may be accounted for by the fact that these verbs become rather part of the structure than bearers of individual meaning.

It is important to take into account one more feature peculiar to modal verbs. They all show that a certain action is represented as necessary, possible, desirable, doubtful, etc. from the point of view of the speaker. Consequently, modal verbs are generally used in conversation. In past-time contexts they may be found only in reported speech or thought, Thus You should have done it before, or He might be wrong, or It must be true cannot be possibly found in narration unless they are used after He thought that … He said that … He knew that …, etc.

The only exceptions are the past tense forms could, would, had, was and might which may be used only in conversation but also in narration.

E. g. Walker was illiterate and could not sign his name.

When I looked at her I saw tears in her eyes. So I had to tell her the truth.

We can't but mention that modal verbs are of common usage in literature - both American and English. In this work several examples taken from the works of famous American and English writers of the 18-19th centuries, such as I. Asimov, O. Henry, S. Maugham, F. Scott Fitzgerald, A. Christie, O. Wilde, M. Spark and others, can vividly show you their usage and importance in speech. We guess it'll be necessary to provide you with some examples on their usage from different newspapers and analyze them thoroughly.


The modal verb can has the following forms: can - the present tense (e.g. He can speak English) and could - the past tense. The form could is used in two ways: a) in past-time contexts as a form of the Indicative Mood (e.g. He could speak English when he was a child), b) in present-time contexts to express unreality, or as a milder and more polite form of can, or as a form implying more uncertainty than can (e.g. He could speak English if necessary. Could I help you? Could it be true?). Compare with the Russian мог бы: Он мог бы сделать это, если бы у него было время (unreality). Не мог бы я Вам помочь? (politeness). Неужели он мог бы так сказать? (uncertainty).

Can has the following meanings:

ability, capability,

E.g. I can imagine how angry he is.

We can represent a figure of a three-dimensional solid.

This meaning may also be expressed by to be able . The phrase can be used in all tense-forms if necessary.

In the meaning of ability and capability can occurs in all kinds of sentences.

E.g. Right and left we can go, backward and forward freely enough, and men always have done so. You can move about in all directions of Space, but you cannot move about in Time.

In this case can is followed by the simple infinitive and reference is made to the present. But depending on the context it may also refer to the future.

E.g. He can go up against gravitation in a balloon, and why should he not hope that ultimately he may be able to stop or accelerate his drift along the Time-Dimension, or even turn about and travel the other way?

However, if the time reference is not clear from the context or if it is necessary to stress that the action refers to the future, shall/will be able is used.

E.g. He will be able to write to us from Portugal. I shall be able to earn by own living soon.

The form could may be used in past-time contexts and in this case it is followed by a simple infinitive. It is a form of the Indicative Mood here.

E.g. A man could not cover himself with dust by rolling in a paradox, could he? But then where could it be? After what had happened I couldn't trust him.

The form could may also be used in present-time context in combination with the simple infinitive to express unreality with reference to the present or future.

E.g. I told myself that I could never stop, and with a gust of petulance I resolved to stop forthwith. (не смог бы прекратить).

You could articulate more distinctly with that cigarette our of your mouth. (мог бы говорить более отчетливо).

As the form could may be used in two ways it is usually undertoosd as expressing unreality with reference to the present or future unless there are indications of past time in the sentence or in the context. Thus the sentence She could paint landscapes will be understood as Она могла бы писать пейзажи.

If there is no indication of past time in the context but the speaker wishes to refer the action to the past, was/were able is used of could to avoid ambiguity.

E.g. She was able to explain the mystery.

In combination with the perfect infinitive could indicates that the action was not carried out in the past.

E.g. She could have explained the mystery. (Она могла бы объяснить эту тайну; но не объяснила).

possibility due to circumstances.

E.g. You can see the forest through the other window.

We can use either the Present Perfect of the Present Perfect Continuous in this sentence.

In this meaning can is found in all kinds of sentences. It is followed by the simple infinitive and it refers the action to the present of future.

E.g. You can obtain a dog from the Dog's Home.

Can we use the indefinite article with this noun?

We can't use the indefinite article with this noun.

In past-time contexts the form could is used. It is followed by the simple infinitive in this case.

E.g. You could see the forest through the other window before the new block of houses was erected.

The form could in combination with the simple infinitive may also express unreality with reference to the present of future.

E.g. You could see the houses from here if it were not so dark.

In combination with the perfect infinitive, could indicate that the action was not carried out in the past.

E.g. You could have seen the house from there if it had not been so dark.


E.g. You can take my umbrella.

Can in this meaning is found in affirmative sentences, interrogative sentences in which a request is expressed, and in negative sentences where it expresses prohibition.

E.g. You can use my car. Can I use your car? You can't use my car today.

In this meaning can is combined with the simple infinitive.

The form could with reference to the present is found only in interrogative sentences in which it expresses a more polite request.

E.g. Could I use your car?

The form could is found in reported speech (i.e. in accordance with the rules of the sequence of tenses).

E.g. He said that I could use his car.

He asked me if he could use my car.

uncertainty, doubt

E.g. Can it be true?

In this meaning can is found only in interrogative sentences (in general questions). Besides, sentences of this kind are often emotionally colored and so their application is rather restricted.

Depending on the time reference, can in this meaning is used in combination with different forms of the infinitive.

Thus, if reference is made to the present, the simple infinitive is found with static verbs.

E.g. Can he really be ill?

Can it be so late?

With dynamic verbs, the continuous infinitive is used.

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