Рефераты. Central Intelligence Agency

- Office of Information Analysis of East Asia

- Office of Information Analysis in Africa and Latin America

- Manage current product and to provide analytical work produces information material of the Directorate.

In its structure there is a non-stop operations center tracking the maturing crisis situations that threaten U.S. security

- Management of scientific research in the field of armaments analyzes the technical aspects of weapons and space systems of other countries

- Management of global problems - is analyzing the economic, geographic and technological issues at the international level

- Office of Information Resources - provides information and referral functions, provides storage, retrieval and delivery of information, has a large fleet of powerful computers

- Manage the analysis of information on foreign leaders

- Department provide guidance and analytical work

- Department training assignments and assessments

- The Department of Arms Control.

4. Administrative Directorate - deals with recruitment for the CIA, training and retraining of personnel, ensures the safety of personnel and facilities of the CIA, has Cryptovox with residency, financial, health and economic services, develops and operates electronic information storage and retrieval of information.

The structure of the Directorate include:

- Office of Personnel

- Management training and retraining

- Office Safety

- Financial Management

- Manage storage and retrieval

- Management of computer equipment

- Communications

- Medical Management

- Commercial management

5. Planning Directorate - established in 1989 engaged in planning and coordinating intelligence, tracking new requirements for intelligence information in connection with "tumultuous changes taking place in the world, and the need for rapid response to them." The structure of the Directorate in the press coverage.

6. Office of the Chief Counsel. The department gives advice and monitor compliance with the Constitution, laws, Criminal Code and existing rules and regulations.

7. Department inspector general. The Inspector General is appointed by the President and approved by the U.S. Senate. He is accountable to the U.S. president and Congress, but must coordinate their activities with the Director of the CIA. The department has its own budget and personnel autonomous apparatus. Division conducts inspections and investigations of the CIA unit, investigates complaints of staff.

8. Division of Financial Audit - monitors all financial activities of the CIA.

9. Secretariat of the CIA.

10. Financial planning department.

11. Department of History of the CIA.

12. Division shifroperepiski.

13. Board of Review of publications about the CIA.

14. Office of Public Affairs or pressluzhba CIA - carries out liaison with community organizations and the media.

15. Liaison Office with the legislature - the CIA is responsible for liaison with Congress, particularly the Commission on Intelligence of the Senate and House of Representatives is preparing responses to congressional inquiries, arranges for their visit to the CIA, speaking to them, intelligence officers, etc.

II. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of Defense

These intelligence units include:

- The intelligence unit in its defense ministry

- U.S. Army intelligence unit

- The intelligence unit of the Ministry of the U.S. Air Force - the intelligence unit of the Ministry of the Navy

1. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of Defense:

- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) - is engaged in military and strategic intelligence. U.S. President's Executive Order number 12333 on December 4, 1981 "The intelligence activities of the United States" at DIA assigned task: to collect and analyze information to the Minister of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, other units of the Ministry of Defense, as well as appropriate for non-military departments to implement coordination of all intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Defense. According to press reports the number of DIA is more than 6 thousand people, including 1 thousand people working abroad in the military attashatah.

At the DIA about 80% of all appropriations for the exploration.

DIA has a complicated structure. In its submission includes a number of educational institutions.

- National Security Agency (NSA) is a division of the Ministry of Defense, while working in liaison with the CIA. Under the executive order number 12333 NSA organizes and collects information through electronic surveillance, as well as the development of codes and ciphers. ANB has one of the largest in the U.S. centers for data processing, supply the most powerful computers in the United States. According to press reports the number of NSA personnel, including troops, more than 120 thousand people.

The agency serves about 2 thousand radio intercept stations located around the world.

2. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of the U.S. Army:

- Intelligence of the Ministry of the Army. The structure consists of intelligence departments of Army Staff in all theaters of war.

- Intelligence and Security Command U.S. Army. Its structure consists of Command Security and Intelligence U.S. Army (joints and parts of the U.S. Army) at the theaters.

3. The intelligence unit of the Ministry of the U.S. Air Force - Air Intelligence Agency, consisting of a central office (which numbered according to the press in 1988 amounted to 2,300 officers), and intelligence agencies in several theaters of military operations, and aviation commands, types of aircraft.

- National air and space exploration for the United States. According to press this administration budget exceeding $ 8 billion

- Command security and electronic warfare the U.S. Air Force, which according to press reports in 1983 were more than 10 thousand officers.

4. The intelligence unit of the Ministry of the Navy

- Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Naval units under his subordinates in the areas of operations of the fleets

- Command of Naval Intelligence

- Intelligence and Security Command U.S. Navy

- Intelligence of the U.S. Marine Corps

III. The intelligence organizations within the U.S. civilian agencies

By the intelligence organizations of the U.S. civilian agencies include:

- U.S. State Department's intelligence organizations

- Intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Commerce

- Intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Finance of the USA

- Intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Energy, USA

- FBI intelligence unit.

1. Exploration U.S. State Department

The Office of Intelligence and Research Department of State (IDA).

Under the executive order number 12333 IDA provides a collection of open methods of information necessary to conduct U.S. foreign policy, and prepare and distribute intelligence information.

However, IDA is coordinating with the other members of the intelligence community to collect information, and is also involved in covert operations. IBA asks the State Department officials after their return from zagrankomandirovok to obtain intelligence information, IBA participated in the development of the National Intelligence Program USA.

2. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of Commerce's

- Department intelligence ties

- Department of Intelligence Agency to facilitate export operations

- Department assess the possibilities of foreign ex tailor management

3. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of Finance of the USA

- Intelligence Support Division is responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence information through the capacity of the Ministry of Finance, as well as coordinating with other organizations of the intelligence community.

Gather information abroad engaged attache Financial Officer of the diplomatic representation of the United States.

Under the executive order number 12333 from 1981, the collection of information is made public methods. Information is collected on the financial and monetary situation of foreign countries.

- Secret Service of the Ministry of Finance - provides protection to the President and Vice-President, members of their families, official guests of the government, the protection of government buildings and facilities. Service has 1,5 thousand employees, it has been collecting intelligence and counterintelligence information on all U.S. and foreign organizations and individuals who may pose a potential threat to protected persons and objects.

4. Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Energy

- The Department of Defense Intelligence Information Management for International Security Affairs - has its first intelligence apparatus overseas, but every employee in the Ministry of Energy, going abroad is obliged to return to provide a written report containing his collection of information to the Office of International Security Affairs.

According to the executive order of President number 12333 this department collects information on foreign energy, especially on the development and manufacture of nuclear weapons, nuclear energy.

5. FBI intelligence unit - is the management of the FBI counterintelligence. It has a duty to obtain intelligence information, using all the tacit means at its disposal, both in the U.S. and abroad. It is not only the intelligence gathering of foreign nations, but also assists in collecting foreign intelligence information to other organizations of the intelligence community.

IY. Headquarters intelligence community or the Central Intelligence.

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